A sad father cries because of his death son.
Please, read this history.
The Nacion has a interesting interview too
The photos are from E. Richards ( The Nation, USA)
A hug from Costa Rica
Please, read this history.
The Nacion has a interesting interview too
The photos are from E. Richards ( The Nation, USA)
A hug from Costa Rica
Thank you for posting this Julia. It is heart breaking to read, but it really makes you realise just what the families of the troops in Iraq go through. It must be hell for them.
Gracias por fijar a este Julia. Es corazón que se rompe para leer, pero él realmente las marcas que realizas apenas con lo que pasan las familias de las tropas en Iraq. Debe estar infierno para ellas.
Si, Es doloroso, y vieras que aquí en Costa Rica se sabe poco de él.
A mi me parece el suyo un acto de coraje, valor y entereza realmente admirable.
I agree! His actions really are admirable, and say so much about his love for his son.
You mentioned that his story is not well known in Costa Rica. It is the same here in Britain. When soldiers are killed, the newspapers do report it, but they don't say much about them and they seem to be forgotten very quickly. It is so sad. Every single one is someone's son or daughter.
¡Convengo! Sus acciones realmente son admirables, y dicen tanto sobre su amor para su hijo. Mencionaste que su historia no es bien sabido en Costa Rica. Está igual aquí en Gran Bretaña. Cuando matan a los soldados, los periódicos la divulgan, pero no dicen que mucho sobre ellos y ellos parecerte ser olvidado muy rápidamente. Es tan triste. Cada solo es alguien hijo o hija.
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